Sunday Review: 3/9/25
On Sunday March 9, 2025, Matthew Williams preached the message “A Covenant Kind of Love” from 1 Samuel 20. To listen to this message again, click here. See below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.
In his hour of need, what shaped David’s expectation of Jonathan? Why can we have a similar expectation of the Lord?
Jonathan needed something from David. What was it, and how is it met in Jesus?
Think about someone in your life who is not easy to love. What would it look like for God’s love for them to be the basis for your love for them?
Why will we never encounter a lack of reciprocity in our relationship with the Lord?
Where do you need to seek first God’s kingdom (like Jonathan) instead of grasping for your own (like Saul)?
How has God used friendship with an older church member to help you experience his peace?