Foundry Men's Ministry
to May 30

Foundry Men's Ministry

  • KingsWay Community Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Foundry men’s ministry groups are meeting once monthly for Bible study and gender-specific discipleship with an eye towards biblical masculinity. These regular gatherings are a significant way we help one another enjoy a growing relationship with God, treasure Christ, and practice biblical community.

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Flourish Women's Ministry
to May 18

Flourish Women's Ministry

  • KingsWay Community Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Flourish women’s ministry groups are meeting once monthly for Bible study and gender-specific discipleship with an eye towards biblical femininity. These regular gatherings are a significant way we help one another enjoy a growing relationship with God, treasure Christ, and practice biblical community.

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Forge Youth & Parent Ministry
to May 7

Forge Youth & Parent Ministry

  • KingsWay Community Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Forge exists to help middle and high school students and their parents enjoy a growing relationship with God by treasuring Christ, expressing authentic community, and loving our neighbors. We typically meet on the second, third, and fourth Wednesday nights of each month to study God's Word and talk with God's people. Students and parents are being discipled by other members and pastors in the church. By gathering together on a regular basis, we consistently pursue Christ in community one with another. 

Fill out this Form to connect with Forge's leader, pastor Quinton Cools.

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Progress of Redemption
to Apr 6

Progress of Redemption

  • KingsWay Community Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our Spring Adult Sunday Class, "Progress of Redemption," beginning Sunday February 2 at 8:30 a.m. Over 10 weeks, we’ll embark on a survey of the Bible’s redemptive story, tracing God’s unfolding plan to redeem His people in Christ—from Genesis to Revelation. This class is for Forge students and up, and will equip you with making sense of your Bible, teach you how Christ is the center of God's story, and help you make disciples of God's Word in 2025!

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Parenting: Ambassadors of Grace
to Jun 1

Parenting: Ambassadors of Grace

  • KingsWay Community Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The work of raising children comes with incredible opportunities to represent Jesus, point to Jesus, and encounter Jesus as parents. Difficulties certainly abound. Cultural confusion over the role of a mom or dad doesn’t help. Thankfully, God has a plan and his purposes are good. Grace for the work abounds. If you’re raising children or eager to support those who are, join us for a 6-week Sunday class entitled Parenting: Ambassadors of Grace, April 27 – June 1, from 8:30-9:30am. Registration here is required if you will need childcare provided for your children while you attend class.

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Regional Youth Retreat
to Jun 7

Regional Youth Retreat

  • Eagle Eyrie Conference Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Middle and high school students and their parents from Sovereign Grace churches in our region will gather June 5-7 for our annual regional youth retreat to explore what it means to grow. We'll discover how God transforms us to become more like Jesus, exploring the means of grace He uses and the fundamentally relational nature of spiritual growth. Registration is live and open until May 1. Find details here.

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Young Adults Deep Dive Quarterly Gathering
6:00 PM18:00

Young Adults Deep Dive Quarterly Gathering

This Sunday evening March 23 is our young adults’ quarterly gathering at 6 p.m. at the church. We will play a Jeopardy-style game, enjoy a spaghetti bar, worship together, and hear a teaching. Sign up here to let us know you'll be there. These gatherings equip young adults to embrace life-on-life discipleship and deep biblical community during an important transitional stage in life.

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Volunteer Lawn Care Team Interest Meeting
1:00 PM13:00

Volunteer Lawn Care Team Interest Meeting

Jonathan Bloom and Miguel Perez are building a volunteer team to cut and care for the lawn on a regular basis. If you are willing to be a part of the team, come join Jonathan and Miguel over at the church office house at 1 p.m. on Sunday March 23 after the service. They will provide more information and you will help get the tractors prepped for mowing. Pizza and drinks will be provided.

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Christmas Eve Service
6:00 PM18:00

Christmas Eve Service

Make plans to come and celebrate the wondrous mystery of our Savior’s birth together on Christmas Eve at 6 p.m. Prayerfully consider who you will invite to come and join us in celebrating the good news. Bring some homemade cookies with you and leave them on a table in the foyer as you enter the service. When the service ends around 7 p.m. we will enjoy dessert together.

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God, the Christian, & Technology
6:00 PM18:00

God, the Christian, & Technology

How is your smartphone changing you? As a Christian, how can you be intentional about how you let your phone influence you and your life? Adults of all ages are encouraged to come explore and discuss this topic at an event called “God, the Christian, & Technology” on Sunday December 15 at 6 p.m. at the church.

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Women's Christmas Celebration
6:00 PM18:00

Women's Christmas Celebration

The women of the church will celebrate the birth of our Savior together on Saturday December 14 at 6 p.m. at the church building, enjoying hors d’oeuvres and dessert, song, and a biblical teaching. Sign up here to let us know you will be there. Guests, friends, and young women old enough to have graduated from KingsKids are encouraged to join you.

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Thanksgiving Sunday Service
10:00 AM10:00

Thanksgiving Sunday Service

Our annual tradition of publicly thanking the Lord together is coming up in a few short weeks. On Sunday November 24, a significant portion of the morning’s service will be comprised of members and visitors coming forward to the open microphone at the front of the auditorium to personally offer thanksgiving to the Lord for His grace over the past year.

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Foundry Men's Bonfire
7:00 PM19:00

Foundry Men's Bonfire

Iron sharpens iron as we spend time together and let the Holy Spirit shape us through biblical community. The men of KingsWay, their sons, and guests are getting together tomorrow night, Saturday November 16, at the Men’s Bonfire at 7 p.m. on the back patio of the church. Bring your lawn chair to spend time together around the bonfire, roast s’mores, and hear a teaching from Caleb Collins on the Christ-like character we are called to as men of God. Sons old enough to have graduated from KingsKids are encouraged to join you.

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KingsWay Fall Festival
12:00 PM12:00

KingsWay Fall Festival

Mark your calendar to spend a fun afternoon with your church family at KingsWay’s Fall Festival on Sunday October 20 after the service! Highlights will include a chili cook-off, a pie baking competition, organized games, and face painting. The event celebrates the Lord’s gifts to us of biblical community and church family! Lunch will be provided. Plan to stay that day until 2:30 p.m.

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Membership Class
to Oct 13

Membership Class

  • KingsWay Community Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We will offer a Fall Membership Class beginning Sunday September 15 after the service from 12:30-2:00 p.m. The class consists of five sessions and covers the church’s vision, mission, & history, heart behind membership, denominational shared values, and our governance structure. Sign up here to attend.

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Bolivia Summer 2025 Missions Trip Interest Meeting
12:00 PM12:00

Bolivia Summer 2025 Missions Trip Interest Meeting

There will be an interest meeting on Sunday September 15 after the service for those interested in being a part of a Summer 2025 missions trip to the children’s home of Casa de Esperanza in Bolivia. Individuals or families interested in traveling to Bolivia to serve in 2025 will hear about the purpose of the trip, itinerary, next steps, and cost, and there will be time for questions and answers. No RSVP required; just come to the meeting September 15.

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