Ways to give

Give online:

KingsWay uses Planning Center’s Giving platform for all gifts and donations to the church and our missions partners. Use the button below to set up recurring gifts or to make a one-time gift.


If you would like to give by sending a check to the church, please mail it to the address below. If you would like to designate your gift to a specific fund (International Missions, Mercy, or Building) please specify that in the memo section of your check.

KingsWay Community Church
14111 Sovereign Grace Dr
Midlothian, Va 23114


Please text your general fund financial contribution to: (804) 318-4438.

midlothian H.S. parking permits @ kingsway

Welcome, Midlothian High School students!

To park at KingsWay:

Once you have completed this form and made your payment, we will issue you a special hang tag permit. At the payment link above, select "Parking Permit" from the dropdown menu and enter $35, the cost for a parking permit for the remainder of the current school year. If you prefer to pay by check, make the check out to KingsWay Community Church in the amount of $30 (lower rate when paying by check as there is no online fee to cover), put the student's name in the memo line, and drop it in the metal mailbox by the church's side door. Thank you!

With questions, contact Craig Smith at 804-379-2551.

stewarding his generosity

For we aim at what is honorable not only in the Lord’s sight but also in the sight of man.” - 2 Corinthians 8:21 

God has been unbelievably generous to us in Jesus.  We have the privilege of reflecting his generosity in how we spend the money we have received.  After all, it's all his to begin with.  We're simply stewards. For over two decades, our members have given sacrificially to the ministry of the gospel at KingsWay. In every area of financial stewardship, our goal is to invest our resources wisely, protect the reputation of the church, and communicate transparently with our members. With the oversight of a Financial Advisory Board and input and review from the church body, our elders create our annual operating budget. KingsWay also undergoes an independent financial review every year.