Our Denomination
From our inception, KingsWay has been part of an ecclesiastical union called Sovereign Grace Churches (SGC), a global denomination devoted to planting and strengthening churches for the glory of God. The New Testament bears witness to churches united in fellowship, mission, and governance for the sake of advancing the mission of the gospel. What was true in the 1st century is still true today. We demonstrate our unity in Christ more effectively through active partnership with like-minded congregations.
Our leaders and members alike benefit from fellowship with other SGC congregations through regional gatherings, our annual Pastor’s Conference, as well as other events. Our fruitfulness in missions is strengthened by joining SGC churches in pooling 10% of our general income to support our denominational mission fund, half of which is invested into regional gospel ministry. And our doctrinal and ethical integrity as a congregation is protected through the care and accountability provided by the Regional Assembly of Elders, the Council of Elders, as well as their respective committees and elected leaders.
Below is a map of the Sovereign Grace churches in the Mid-South region. For more information about Sovereign Grace Churches, including testimonies from around the globe, local church resources, and opportunities for financial partnership, visit our denominational website.
Mid-South Region of Sovereign Grace Churches