At KingsWay, we are all about treasuring King Jesus, and doing that together! Joining a group is one of the best ways to get to know people in our church and start building relationships. From ladies meeting in homes to study God’s Word and young married couples grabbing lunch after Sunday service, to guys meeting before work for prayer and older couples walking through a book on marriage, we have countless informal groups. These groups are not programmed, but are an overflow of our commitment to pursue authentic community.
We also enjoy several structured opportunities for life-on-life discipleship that we consider significant ways of living in intentional community with one another.
community groups
We strongly encourage every adult member of our church to get involved in a Community Group (CG). CGs are small groups of ideally 8-10 adults who are on mission to help one another follow Jesus in every area of life. They gather throughout the week in homes, restaurants, and other public spaces throughout RVA. Many groups contain a wide range of ages and backgrounds because we believe that the gospel unifies us in our diversity as “fellow citizens” and “members of the household of God” (Ephesians 2:19). These groups talk about how to apply the Sunday sermon, pray and care for one another in practical ways, and stir one another up to love their neighbors.
men’s ministry
Foundry is comprised of groups of 5-10 men who meet once monthly in homes to study a book of the Bible together and find gender-specific discipleship. The goal of Foundry groups is to equip men to build their lives on God’s Word and proactively seek Christlikeness. They are a practical way we help one another enjoy a growing relationship with God, treasure Christ, and practice biblical community.
women’s ministry
Flourish women’s ministry is designed to equip women to build their lives on God’s Word and to persevere with faith and hope in every season of life. Gatherings of 5-10 women meet once monthly to study God’s Word side by side and enjoy the benefits of life-on-life discipleship with other women.
youth & parents
Forge is our middle and high school equivalent of Community Groups. We’re deeply committed to coming alongside parents in helping our young people become passionate followers of Christ. How to engage in community through reading the Word, prayer, and encouragement is learned, and we desire to help foster that in the lives of the younger generation. Forge includes a monthly large group environment where students and their parents are taught from God’s Word about how to navigate the unique challenges and opportunities of the teenage years.