how are we involved in missions?
denominational partnership
As a Sovereign Grace church, we pool financial resources with other like-minded churches to fund church planting and pastoral training in the United States and beyond. Sovereign Grace Ministries has also coordinated relief efforts in response to natural disasters around the globe. More information on the Sovereign Grace Ministries missions fund is available here.
full-time missionary support
We are grateful for the relationships God has given us with three full-time missionary families who are laboring to share the gospel in southeast Asia, Africa, and South America. In addition to monthly financial support, our elders provide pastoral care for these families through regular phone calls and periodic on-site visits.
short-term missions teams
KingsWay members Maria and Chris Deloglos have had a relationship with the Sovereign Grace church in La Paz, Bolivia for several decades, due to Maria having grown up in Bolivia. These relational ties have enabled us to send short-term missions teams from KingsWay to Bolivia. A group of KingsWay members also created the Bolivia Missions Foundation, enabling us to provide financial support for evangelistic and social justice initiatives around the country.
members on mission
We watch with anticipation to see where the Lord is calling each of us to share the gospel and care for his global & local church. We expectantly seek ordinary moments to share the extraordinary gospel of Jesus. We also periodically help send our own members where they are called.