Sunday Review: 3/16/25
On Sunday March 16, 2025, Matthew Williams preached the message “Provision in a Desperate Hour” from 1 Samuel 21:1-22:5. To listen to this message again, click here. See below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.
When we hold God hostage to meeting a certain need in a certain way, we blind ourselves to daily expressions of sustaining grace. What expressions of sustaining grace are you prone to overlook?
What expression of sustaining grace in David’s life most encourages you to trust the Lord?
Where have you experienced God’s physical provision recently? How does the gift of Jesus, the bread of life, help you to trust God with a present material need?
How has God used the exercise of wisdom to care for you or your family?
Where have you experienced support from unexpected sources, non-Christian friends included?
Share an example of how God used his Word to help you make a decision.