Sunday Review: 3/2/25


On Sunday March 2, 2025, Matthew Williams preached the message “When Enemies Arise, Watch for the Lord” from Psalm 59. To listen to this message again, click here. See below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. Do you tend to assume if someone is angry or upset that you must be at fault in some way? How does a clean conscience strengthen our faith to pray in the face of injustice?

  2. How does the gospel enable us to own all the psalmists’ prayers (Psalm 59 included)? 

  3. What makes a prayer for God to intervene in our life faith-filled? In what ways does the character of God fuel David’s prayer?

  4. What’s the goal of prayer if it’s not to inform God of something he doesn’t already know?

  5. David’s enemies are watching him. David chooses to watch the Lord. What is he watching for? What would it look like to watch for the same in an area of your own life?

  6. How does God ultimately answer David’s prayer for the Lord to consume his enemies?