Sunday Review: 1/5/25
On Sunday January 5, 2025, Matthew Williams preached the message “A Courage Fueled By Faith” from 1 Samuel 13:1-14:23. To listen to this message again, click here. See below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.
Can you think of a recurring situation that you sometimes interpret through the eye of faith and sometimes through the eye of unbelief?
Which expression of unbelief in Saul’s excuses found in verses 11-12 most often tempts you?
Is there an area of Christian obedience in your life where it’s hard to persevere because it doesn’t seem to be working?
Faith governed the way Jonathan saw his circumstances, himself, and the Lord. In which category is the Spirit challenging you to take God at his Word?
Where do you tend to shift your confidence from God himself to whatever means of grace you have on hand?
Jonathan fought because he knew the Lord had already won the battle. Do you draw a similar encouragement from the gospel?