Sunday Review: 2/2/25


On Sunday February 2, 2025, Matthew Williams preached the message “He Wins Every Battle” from 1 Samuel 17. To listen to this message again, click here. See below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. Many people are familiar with the story of David and Goliath. Did your understanding of the main point change after hearing the sermon? What is the main point?

  2. We often ask God to comfort us by removing stressful situations. Can you think of a situation where the circumstances or people involved didn’t change, but the eye of faith made a big difference in the way you viewed them?

  3. What attributes of God give David courage to step out in weakness? Why does God delight to use what is despised in the world to accomplish his best work?

  4. Where are you tempted to wrongly consider a strength or weakness of yours as “necessary” for God to accomplish good things in you or through you?

  5. How does the gospel help you to boast in your weaknesses instead of apologizing or beating yourself up that you’re not stronger?

KingsWay Communications