Sunday Review: 10/6/24


On Sunday October 6, 2024, Matthew Williams preached the message “God Vindicates His Name” from 1 Samuel 2:12-36. To listen to this message again, click here. See below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. Why is it a weighty thing to violate the honor of God? How can we treat the sacrifice of Christ with contempt today?

  2. What helps you to remain gripped by the worth of Jesus such that you want to honor him?

  3. What glimpses of God’s enduring work in the midst of darkness appear in 2 Samuel chapter 2? Where have you seen the same in your own life or the history of our church?

  4. The Lord says, “Those who honor me I will honor, and those who despise me shall be lightly esteemed.” How do you want to grow in honoring God with your life? 

  5. Do you wrestle with the thought of God vindicating his honor through judgment? How does God vindicate his honor through mercy?

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