Sunday Review: 12/15/2024
On Sunday December 15, 2024, Caleb Collins preached the message “Donkeys, Kings, & Providence” from 1 Samuel 9. To listen to this message again, click here. See below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.
God used faithful Samuel and wandering Saul to accomplish his sovereign will. Is there someone in your life who, like Saul, seems to have no awareness of the things of God, that you need to trust God is still using to accomplish his sovereign purposes?
Like Saul, we can be deceived by appearances or distracted by trivial things and miss the big picture of what God is doing in us and around us. What readily distracts or blinds your eyes to God’s work?
Samuel was a man guided and directed by God’s Word. Did you have a plan for regularly spending time meditating on the Word in 2024? How did it go? What’s your plan for 2025?
Is there an ordinary, extraordinary, or unwanted event in your life right now where you need to lay hold of the providence of God?