Sunday Review: 6/4/2023


On Sunday, June 4, 2023, Josh Kruger Jr. preached the message “God Provides According to His Promises” from Deuteronomy 9:1-10:11. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. Where do you want to grow in trusting the Lord to do work that feels impossible to you? 

  2. If ethical righteousness is not the ultimate ground of God’s blessings, do our moral choices still matter? Is it appropriate to draw lines between our obedience and God’s blessing?

  3. Do you think of your past and present sin as a big deal? What spiritual symptoms could indicate you have lost sight of the gravity of sin? 

  4. Why is God’s Word the focal point of the biblical covenants? Do you think of the Word as a gracious gift or more of a book of rules? 

  5. What does it mean for Jesus to be our mediator today? How do Moses’ actions (and the Lord’s response) point forward to Christ?