Sunday Review: 8/14/2022


On Sunday, August 14, 2022, Caleb Collins preached the message “Put to Death” from Colossians 3:5-11. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. Do you view “killing your sin” as essential, or is your temptation to think that because Jesus has won our salvation, you do not have to wrestle with your sin? What are a few practical ways in which we can strive to put sin to death in our lives?

  2. In our daily efforts to put sin to death, how do we keep ourselves from falling prey to the temptation of meriting God’s favor by what we do?

  3. What is a Christian sexual ethic (moral principles that govern one’s behavior)? How is it different than the world’s sexual ethic? Why is it important to have this understanding of sex, gender, sexuality?

  4. In his sermon, Caleb listed the interpersonal sins and their heavenly counterparts. Which one of these is the most difficult for you to put off and put on, and why?:

    a. Anger vs. Humility

    b. Slander vs. Encouragement

    c. Obscene Words: jugular vs. heart words

    d. Lying vs. Honesty

  5. Verses 10 and 11 say we are being renewed into the image of Christ and that the Christian’s greatest distinctive is Christ above all else. What are some ways the world prioritizes “lesser” distinctions and how is that different than the message of v.11?