Sunday Review: 3/14/21


On Sunday, March 14, 2021, Matthew Williams preached the message “The Church is God’s Mission Strategy” from Ephesians 3:1-13. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How does knowing you are an ambassador of Christ change the way you relate to those around you?

  2. Do you feel compelled to share with others the mercy God has shown you?

  3. Matthew said that as believers we cannot be united to the head (Christ) without being united to his body (the church). Is this a new idea for you?

  4. How do you speak about the church to those around you?

  5. How have you seen God work in your heart to grow your love for the local church?

  6. Where do you need God’s help to grow in loving the local church?