International Missions Fund Testimony 2021


Our annual International Missions Fund offering is one of the highlights of IMW21. In a blog post last week, I explained the importance of the fund, including some of the ways the Lord used our giving last year to advance the cause of Christ in other nations of the world. Out of every dollar given, we invest 50% in missionary emergency and support, 25% in missionary resources, and 25% in the Casa de Esperanza orphanage.

The missionary resources allocation is relatively recent. We realized there were a lot of opportunities to periodically equip our missionary partners with theological training or ministry supplies in addition to the regular monthly support we provide for normal living expenses. For example, last year we encouraged Josh Kruger Jr. (our missionary partner in Namibia) to attend Southern Seminary online and offered to pay two-thirds of his tuition from our missionary resources budget. Here’s what Josh sent me when I asked him to describe the impact of his first year of seminary education.

Seminary has been exactly what I expected (kidding)! I knew it was going to be a steep learning curve and it has been. But I have thoroughly enjoyed diving into topics and books I previously knew little to nothing about. I even enjoy reading…most of the time! It is amazing how equipping classes such as “Hermeneutics” and “Personal Evangelism” has been. I have been sharing the Gospel much more frequently with others as I feel more confident, equipped with methods, and armed with key scriptures. Recently I felt compelled to speak to a brother who I had noticed a specific habitual sin in his life. He broke down in tears saying that he has never had a friend who cared enough to risk offense and even the relationship just to point him to Christ and the fact that He had already died for those sins. He was compelled by the Spirit to confess these sins openly and committed Himself to seeking his joy and fulfillment in obeying God and spending time in His word.

I have a much better understanding of the centrality of God’s glory as well as Jesus Christ through all of scripture and this helps me to serve others as Christ and the glory of God are remarkably central themes once you know how to spot them. It helps me to serve others by not just encouraging them with a pat on the back but rather truly ministering to their souls with God’s word whether through something as brief as a timely scripture or as lengthy as a sermon. I feel more confident because of God’s promises in His word when I counsel people, when I share or when I teach.  It has even changed some perspectives on topics such as the relationship between missions organizations and the church, future directions for OM as a movement in Namibia, even how I love and care for my family. I am incredibly excited because although we do not know the full picture of what our future will look like in ministry, the level of equipping I am receiving through seminary is a clear indicator to us that God has new, maybe different, and great plans for how he wants to use us for His glory in the future. This is also what we pray for throughout seminary.

Praise God for the spiritual impact our giving is having in Josh’s heart and life! I can hardly think of a more strategic investment we could make as a church in a region of the world that has lacked the teaching of sound doctrine. Let’s come ready this Sunday to continue giving to the Lord with glad and generous hearts.

IMWMatthew Williams