Sunday Review: 3/21/21

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On Sunday, March 21, 2021, Matthew Williams preached the message “A God of Justice and Mercy” as part of our current sermon series Life in the Son from John 7:53-8:11. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for Jesús Romero’s Prayer of Confession and for discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.

Prayer of Confession:

Heavenly Father,

We must confess that although the most important of all commandments is that we shall love you with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our strength, it is very difficult for us to do this. You are our Lord and our Redeemer and You deserve our all, but we instead show more love for our family, for our job, for the world than what we show you, Lord. it’s easier going to work very early in the morning on a rainy day than to be on time for the service on Sunday, or attending our community group meetings. It is easier to talk to a nonbeliever about a movie than to talk about You, Lord.

Lord Jesus, forgive us when, in the midst of our fears, trials, daily duties, we stay apart from our brothers and sisters in Christ, from the Church, from your body, from you, Lord! Sometimes we are so focused on the storm that we are going through that we forget that you are here with us and for us, that you are in control of everything. Father forgive us for not trusting you. Nowadays we seem to trust more in a GPS that is guiding us to a destination than in your promises, in your grace, in your power.

Father, our worries, our sin do not allow us to be aware of your presence, of your blessings, of your glory. We didn’t have anything before you were in our lives, we were condemned and now we have eternal life because of your sacrifice. Every single second that we keep alive in this world is a gift from you too. Forgive us for being so ungrateful, we pray for you to give us a heart to love you as you deserve, to recognize ourselves as your church. Give us the courage to share the Gospel with other people, 

in the name of your son Jesus we pray, Amen!

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you more aware of your need for God’s mercy or other’s need for God’s mercy?

  2. Where do you struggle with self-righteous judgment in your life?

  3. How do you respond when you sin? Are you quick to run to Jesus for forgiveness or do you put yourself on personal probation?

  4. Where is God calling you to walk in humility in your life?

  5. What in this passage makes you know and love God more?