Sunday Review: 5/21/2023


On Sunday, May 21, 2023, Matthew Williams preached the message “Walk by Faith” from Deuteronomy 7:12-26. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. Is abundant blessing, both spiritual and material, your happy expectation of God?

  2. Do you believe God’s disposition toward you is one of affectionate favor? If so, why? 

  3. Why does God require of us more than we have within ourselves? 

  4. Do you feel like an underdog or a conqueror in your life? Where is it most difficult for you to be confident in God’s power?

  5. How is God using his Word to strengthen your faith? 

  6. Where are you tempted to justify sin by substituting your judgment for God’s?