Sunday Review: 9/25/2022


On Sunday, September 25, 2022, Matthew Williams preached the message “The Goodness of the Law” from Deuteronomy 1:1-5. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. What does the Bible have to say about modern-day “expressive individualism”, known for its mottos of “You be you”, “Be true to yourself”, “Follow your own heart”, “Be who you want to be”, “You are in control of your own joy and destiny” etc.?

  2. Do you regularly include Old Testament books (like Deuteronomy) in your daily Bible reading? Why or why not? Do you consider these Old Testament writings relevant and authoritative for today?

  3. Why is it significant that Deuteronomy 1:3 says that Moses spoke to the people of Israel “according to all that the Lord had given him in commandment to them”?

  4. How does the person and work of Jesus Christ change the way we read and apply Old Testament books like Deuteronomy that deal with Old Testament Law? (See Matthew 5:17.)

  5. Moses reflected on the victories the Lord won for his people on their way to the Promised Land (v. 4). What victories have you seen God accomplish in your life recently?