Sunday Review: 10/2/2022


On Sunday, October 2, 2022, Matthew Williams preached the message “History is a Delightful Necessity” from Deuteronomy 1:6-18. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. How does reflecting on God’s faithfulness toward you in the past help you to trust his continued faithfulness now and in the future?  How do you fight to see God’s faithfulness when you are suffering?

  2. How is membership of, and active participation in, the local church an image of heaven – where we will have undisturbed fellowship with one another and with our Lord?

  3. Israel was called to both “trust God” and “act in obedience” to God’s direction for them (see verses 7 – 8).  Is it sometimes hard for you to quietly “trust God”, while also “acting in obedience” to his direction for your life? Do you mostly gravitate towards one of those actions? If so, which one?

  4. In what ways has God provided for you (physically, emotionally & spiritually) through the gift of his people? (See verse 12.)

  5. When we see a brother or sister caught in sin, the Bible calls us to “restore them in a spirit of gentleness” (Gal 6:1). How easy or hard is it for you to confront a fellow believer that is "caught in a sin"? What do you fear when having to do so?