Sunday Review: 3/27/2022


On Sunday, March 27, 2022, Matthew Williams preached the message “All will be held accountable” from Micah 3 as part of our current series A God of Justice + Mercy. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.

Discussion Questions:

  1. We see in this passage that God will judge the false rulers of the house of Israel.  As Christians, what should our response be to corrupt leaders? (whether political leaders, government officials, bosses or spiritual leaders)

  2. Matthew’s 2nd point in the sermon was: “Those who misuse God’s Word will be depraved of His revelation”.  Why is the prosperity gospel, and any other false gospel, such a serious issue?

  3. To what degree have you noticed the love of money in your own life?

  4. Do you have an honest desire to grow in your understanding and application of the truth of God’s Word? What are you doing (or can you do) to accelerate this growth?

  5. Many people in our culture believe that truth is “relative” (what is true for me, is really truth) … How comfortable and confident are you to confront that notion with the authoritative truth of the Bible?

  6. How is Jesus different than these false prophets, priests and kings? (see: 6 & 11)?