Pray For Our Team This Weekend


Our pastoral team is scattered across the globe this weekend! I left earlier this week for Namibia, Chris flew out yesterday for Bolivia, and Josh is manning the fort at home. Here’s a quick snapshot of how we’re seeking to advance the mission of the gospel as well as a few ways you can support us through prayer.


As many of you know, we’ve had the privilege of supporting Josh and Lieze Kruger as missionaries in Windhoek, Namibia for quite a few years. The Lord has given Josh a desire to plant a Sovereign Grace church in their city that could serve as a base for establishing gospel-centered congregations throughout southern Africa. I came down to talk and pray with them about their next steps, including opportunities to receive practical, in-person training in pastoral ministry.

The relational favor the Lord has given their family in the community here is remarkable! No matter where we go in the city, we keep running into people they have befriended or discipled in some capacity. Please pray we would all be sensitive to the Spirit’s guidance and that I would give wise, biblical counsel as I seek to care for their entire family. The potential ministry transitions we’re discussing are significant! It’s really exciting to watch the Lord equip my friend to become a fellow under-shepherd.


The Sovereign Grace church in Santa Cruz is led by our good friends, Jorge and David Del Castillo (David is Jorge’s son). David passed his final ordination exam late last year. He was the first Sovereign Grace elder in South America to reach the milestone! As one of David’s closest pastoral mentors and our regional representative in Bolivia, Chris went down to lead the church in setting David in as an official elder.

Hardly a week goes by where Chris is not on the phone with David, helping him navigate all manner of pastoral decisions, including how to lead the church more or less on his own while Jorge recovers from multiple eye surgeries. Please ask the Lord to use Chris to encourage David in the work of ministry, to provide time for conversation with key leaders in the church, and to give him clarity of thought and speech as he ministers in a second language.


Josh is our only remaining elder at home this weekend and has been preparing to preach from Micah as part of our current sermon series. As the Lord would have it, Josh came down with Covid yesterday! The virus has hit him pretty hard, so please pray for a quick, physical healing and that Josh would not be discouraged at being unexpectedly sidelined. It’s the sort of situation where I’m grateful we serve a Sovereign King who reigns over the details of our lives and is redeeming them for his glory and our good.

It's also a situation where I thank God we’re not an isolated or independent church! When I got the call from Josh, I immediately reached out to our sister church in Franklin, WV, asking if one of their elders could preach at KingsWay. I wasn’t surprised when their senior pastor, Steve Teter, immediately offered to drive down early Sunday morning to serve our congregation. One of our own members, Gabe Bowman, goes way back with Steve and will be helping to lead our Sunday service along with Bruce Robertson. Thank you in advance for supporting these men and for the countless ways all of you will build up the body of Christ this weekend.

Chris and I are returning mid next week from our respective mission trips. I look forward to preaching Micah 4:1-8 on Sunday, April 10! Know I am praying for you. I’ll miss worshiping with you this Sunday. Thanks be to God for the opportunities he has given our local church to engage in the work of global missions! Neither Chris nor I could do what we’re doing this week without your support and prayers. Grace to you, my friends.

Posted by Matthew