Sunday Review: 6/5/2022


On Sunday, June 5, 2022, Chris Deloglos preached the message “Gaining Strength to Glorify Christ” from Colossians 1:9-14. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. Chris described how we know God’s will by His Word. Do you have a plan in place to interact with God’s Word? Describe your plan.

  2. Does your plan include obeying God’s Word and how does (or could) that plan include reflecting with someone else about how you are obeying Him?

  3. In Col 1:12-14 Paul gives thanks to God for delivering us from the domain of darkness to the kingdom of his beloved Son. How well do you follow his example in giving thanks to God for His activity in your life?

  4. Chris described how we formerly were living with really bad news, but those who believe in Christ are rescued so that God is now their Father. Contrast the darkness of the bad news with the sweetness of the good news…