Sunday Review: 6/12/2022


On Sunday, June 12, 2022, Josh Kruger preached the message “The Preeminence of Christ” from Colossians 1:15-20. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. What are some ways in which the world is trying to convince us, like the false teachers in Colossians, that Jesus is not supreme or sufficient? How can we contend for the truth, that Jesus is in fact supreme and sufficient, while living in this world?

  2. All of us experience trials, struggles and sorrows on a regular basis. Where do you need to fight for faith to see that Jesus is holding all things together in your life? What does that "fight for faith" look like?

  3. According to Col. 1:18, Jesus is the "head of the body, the church". This includes KingsWay Community Church. Why is this truth comforting to you, and how does it change the way you respond when things are not exactly the way you want them to be in church?

  4. It is clear from this passage that we should find our ultimate joy, satisfaction and fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Does this mean that we should not find any joy in each other, hobbies, vacation, gifts etc.? What is the tension between these joys?

  5. Looking at Col. 1:20, how has the "blood of the cross" made peace in your life?