book recommendations for obeying the fourth commandment

This past Sunday, Matthew Williams preached on God’s fourth commandment to His people to keep the Sabbath (Deuteronomy 5:16). At the time of the Israelites and now, keeping the Sabbath has always been about resting in the God who provides! On this side of the cross, we don’t keep the Sabbath by not working on the seventh day of the week; we keep the Sabbath by leaning the weight of our life on Jesus. Jesus is our Sabbath rest. 

Towards the end of his sermon, Matthew recommended two books to help us grow in applying this principle to our lives. If you would benefit from learning to depend more on Jesus’ work than on your own, read Kevin DeYoung’s book, Crazy Busy: A (Mercifully) Short Book about a (Really) Big Problem, or Christopher Ash’s volume, Zeal Without Burnout

May we be a people who are happily busy with the things of God, and a people who actively and intentionally find our rest in him, for his yoke is easy and his burden is light.

Matthew Williams