Sunday Review: 8/8/21


On Sunday, August 8, 2021, Matthew Williams preached the message “The Gift of the Spirit (Part 1)” from John 14:15-31 as part of our current series Life in the Son. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for Karin Kruger’s Prayer of Praise and discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.

Prayer of Praise:

Lord, You know our entire lives, everything we do. You understand our thoughts even before we think them. And You are acquainted with all our ways. Even before there is a word on our tongues, Behold, O Lord, You intimately know us. 

You have placed Your faithful and loving hand upon us. Such infinite knowledge is too wonderful for us. Where can we go from Your Holy Spirit? Or where can we flee from Your presence? Nothing can take us out of your hand, for You are with us. In sickness and suffering, in life and in death,  Even there Your hand will lead us, And Your right hand will uphold  us. For you are with us always. 

If we say, “Surely the darkness and trials will overwhelm me”, Even the darkness is not dark to You and hides nothing from You,  and in and through our suffering and trials your purposes will prevail. 

For You made us, You created us in our mother’s wombs. We will give thanks and praise to You,  for we are fearfully and wonderfully made;  You knew us even before you made us in secret.  Your eyes have seen our unformed hearts;  And in Your book were all written; The seconds, the minutes and days that were appointed for us,  even before we were born.  How precious are Your thoughts to us, O Sovereign God! Your loving kindness towards us can not be measured. 

Search us O God, know our hearts and our anxious thoughts;  And see if there are sinful ways in us,  Purify us oh Lord and lead us in your perfect ways. Amen - inspired by Psalm 139

Discussion Questions:

  1. What has been your experience with understanding the role of the Holy Spirit?

  2. How has John 14 changed your view the Holy Spirit? 

  3. How does knowing that you are the dwelling place of God change how you engage with your day?

  4. How does knowing that the Spirit empowers you to obey Jesus help you fight temptation to sin?

  5. What part of this message did you find the most encouraging?

  6. How does this message help you know and love God more?