Sunday Review: 9/26/21


On Sunday, September 26, 2021, Matthew Williams preached the message “The Gospel Turns Sorrow into Joy” from John 16:16-33 as part of our current series Life in the Son. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for Kelsey Cools’ Prayer of Praise and discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.

Prayer of Praise:

Oh good and gracious Father, we thank you for the beautiful privilege we have in gathering together as your people. To stand side by side with our brothers and sister and worship your holy name with one voice. Lord, you have been so faithful to us. We do not deserve to continuously be brought near to you. To have relationship with you, a God so holy, the mere sound of your voice could make the heavens move. Who are we that you would think of us? What have we done that you might notice us? 

For we are all sheep, constantly wander away from your goodness, forgetting that you are the safest and most beautiful thing we have ever beheld. You think of us and notice us because you are the Good Shepherd. You always go after your sheep. You leave the ninety-nine to seek the one. In the midst of our failures, you seek us. In our faults, you seek us. In our forgetfulness, you seek us. In our frailty, you seek us. And in your faithfulness, you seek us.

You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. You are steadfast, sure, strong, and ever present in times of joy and in times of need. Even though we may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil, for you are with us. And in your faithfulness, you comfort us and lead us down paths of goodness and mercy beside still waters, restoring our souls. 

O God, help us remember that even as the sun does not cease to shine after it has set for the day, so does your faithfulness remain in every moment of, not only our lives, but through all of eternity. We thank you for your greatest act of faithfulness in sending your only Son to take our place on the cross. To die the death we should have died. And because of that act of love, we need never fear death, but will enjoy life everlasting. From age to age we will proclaim “great is your faithfulness.”

Discussion Questions:

  1. What is joy?

  2. Is joy a distinguishing mark of your life?

  3. Are you quick to take your emotional cues from the world around you?

  4. How have you seen God give you joy in the present in spite of the circumstances happening around you?

  5. Is there a situation in your life or someone that you allow to steal your joy? 

  6. Are you quick to bring your requests to God? Do you believe that he delights to hear from you when you pray?