Sunday Review: 9/19/21


On Sunday, September 19, 2021, Matthew Williams preached the message “The Spirit Who Convicts and Guides” from John 16:4b-15 as part of our current series Life in the Son. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you feel the need for someone to rescue you from yourself?

  2. How are you encouraged knowing that The Holy Spirit convicts the world?

  3. Are you convinced that God is eager and able to change hearts (both yours and others)?

  4. Is there something or someone you make more of than Jesus?

  5. How have you seen the Holy Spirit help you this week to know and honor God?

  6. How do you engage with your varying awareness of the Holy Spirit’s work in your life?

  7. How does this passage help you know and love God more?