Sunday Review: 10/11/20

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On Sunday, October 11, 2020, Matthew Williams preached the message, “Living for a Greater Glory” as part of our current sermon series Life in the Son from John 3:22-36.  To listen to this message again, click here.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you become bitter or jealous if you don’t get encouragement or recognition from others?

  2. In what situations in your life do you forget that you are “not the Christ”?

  3. Is the goal of your labor to leave people impressed with you or impressed with Jesus?

  4. What do you think laboring to make much of Jesus looks like?

  5. Have you asked a friend, “Whose glory do you think I’m living for?”

  6. Where in your life is it hard to obediently trust Jesus?

  7. What in this passage helps you know and love Jesus more?