Christmas Gifts for Children in Foster Care

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On Sunday, Antonio Martinez, one of our Deacons of Mercy, shared about an opportunity to love children in foster care during the Christmas season. Please see below for important dates and how to get involved.

We have the opportunity again this year to follow Christ by loving the most vulnerable in our area through providing Christmas gifts to children in the Henrico County foster care system. The majority of children in foster care have been abused or neglected, and all of them have suffered the grief and loss that comes from separation from their family. 

Christmas is a hard time of year for children in foster care because it reminds them of what they don't have in their family. We can show them the love of Christ in our generosity. For the past several years we have been able to provide Christmas gifts for 20+ kids in the foster care system. 

We encourage you to partner together with your community groups to allow for generosity as a group where everyone can participate. Individuals and families can also sign up to sponsor a child.

The deadline to sign up is Sunday, October 18. Once we know how many children we can sponsor, we will give that number to Henrico County Social Services and they will provide us with the lists in November. You will receive a list with items that will include hobbies, interests, and practical needs of the child.

We will then need the gifts to be brought to church and put under the tree on Sunday, December 13. Please make sure the gifts are wrapped and a list is attach with the items you have given.  

If you are interested in participating, please contact Shawn Rozier by email. You can also find him before or after service on Sunday morning. 

For additional information and frequently asked questions, please click here.