Sunday Review: 5/23/21


On Sunday, May 23, 2021, Matthew Williams preached the message “Why Jesus Deserves Your Trust” from John 10:22-42 as part of our current series Life in the Son. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you respond to God’s sovereignty?

  2. Matthew said that God’s plan isn’t held hostage by the unbelief of sinful men. How does that encourage you?

  3. Jesus promises in v.28 that if you are a believer no one will snatch you out of his hand. How has this promise brought you comfort or encouragement?

  4. In v.29 Jesus says the Father is “greater than all.” What in your life right now do you need to remember that God is greater than?

  5. Do you hold the Bible to be the highest authority?

  6. Do you read the Bible to know and understand Jesus more?