Additional Volunteer Needs

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We are so excited to see the Lord’s provision through our ministry team fair last month! Adding recruits to Sunday morning teams encourages current team members and also provides additional ways to grow in relationship with one another. As we serve together we build up our church body on Sunday mornings. Following the fair, we circled back with team leaders over the last few weeks to identify any remaining volunteer needs. Here are a few additional opportunities if you have not yet found a team to serve on.


We almost have enough teachers and assistants to open 3 weeks a month instead of our current schedule of 2 weeks a month! The biggest remaining obstacle is finding two volunteer administrators to staff the King’sKids desk one Sunday a month. King’sKids admin are responsible for opening classrooms, registering guests, and supporting our teachers. Membership is required for these open positions. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Sara Campbell or Karin Kruger. 

The Host Team

We need one more couple or single to serve on the 2nd Sunday of the month as a greeter at the front doors of our building. Greeters start at 9:45 and welcome people until 10-15 minutes after the service starts. You do not need to be a member to participate on the host team. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Doug Roberts.

The Band

We would like to add another drummer or percussionist and a few more acoustic guitarists to the rotation. Membership is required for these open positions. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Kevin Khoffie.

You can find email addresses and phone numbers for these team leads through CCB. Thanks for considering these opportunities, and more importantly, for how so many of you faithfully lay down your lives to help us encounter God every Sunday.