Sunday Review: 3/22/20


On Sunday, March 22, 2020, Chris Deloglos prayed a Prayer of Intercession and Matthew Williams preached the message, “Psalm 93" over live stream as part of our interim sermon series Fear Not. To listen to this message again, click here.


  1. Where do you need God's help the most right now?

  2. How does Psalm 93 encourage you to respond as you look ahead to next week?

  3. Where can you grow during this time in becoming more like him?

  4. While it is a sorrow to not gather weekly as the people of God, how does the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of you give you hope as you face the upcoming battles?

  5. Psalm 93 shows us that we have better reasons to trust the Lord than to fear. Are you quick to encourage others with this truth?