Corporate Devotions: Ruth

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The book of Ruth is an enduring testimony to the faithfulness of God to care for all who cling to him in the midst of sorrow and loss. The Lord never speaks directly to anyone in Ruth, yet we glimpse his providence at every turn. It’s a timely reminder that our God is intimately involved in all our circumstances amidst all the uncertainties surrounding the present pandemic. He doesn’t traffic in accidents or coincidences. He sovereignly brings about his good plan for our lives through the smallest details of daily life, even when those details appear to be influenced more by the brokenness of our world than the work of God. 

Reading: Ruth 1

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Think carefully about the different kinds of sorrow Naomi is experiencing – famine in her own country, the disorientation of moving to a foreign land, the death of her husband, her sons’ disobedience in marrying pagan wives, the death of her sons, financial destitution, etc. What sort of emotions is she feeling? Have you felt some of these same emotions this week? 

  2. In what ways does Naomi demonstrate trust in the Lord in the midst of her suffering(verses 8, 9, 13, 21)? Have you ever thought that recognizing the Lord as the One who ordains our suffering is an expression of faith? 

  3. Both Orpah and Ruth show kindness to Naomi (verse 8), but Ruth’s loyalty runs deeper. Why is that? Reread her confession in verses 16-17. Do you think there’s a connection between her love for God and her love for Naomi? Take a few minutes to ask God to strengthen your love for Him so you can love the people he’s placed around you, even if that means crossing a cultural boundary. 

  4. Chapter 1 opens with a famine in the land, but it ends on a very different note (verse 22). Have you seen any little (or big!) signs of the Lord’s provision for your needs in the last few days? Thank him for what you’ve seen so far and for the way he will provide for you in the future. 

Song: As Long as You Are Glorified

Reading: Ruth 2

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Ruth wasn’t sitting around waiting for God to provide. She took initiative to work (verse 2) and was diligent in her work (verse 7). Reread verse 3. Do you think it was an accident she wound up in the field of Boaz? Who was directing her steps the entire time even when she was completely unaware? Take a few minutes to praise God for the ways he is caring for you right now that you have yet to see. 

  2. Make a list of the ways Boaz shows steadfast love to Ruth. Did she deserve his kindness (see verse 10 and 13)? How does his example point forward to Jesus and his steadfast love to us? 

  3. How is Boaz’s assessment of Ruth’s actions in verse 11 a good description of what it means to be a Christian? Read Mark 10:29 if you’re unsure. What sort of cultural securities are you tempted to trust in instead of the Lord?

  4. Do you believe the Lord rewards those who trust him? The image of a young bird fleeing under the wings of their father or mother for refuge is a powerful picture of God’s tender care for us as his people (verse 12). How could you make the Lord your refuge today when fear or anxiety start knocking on the door of your heart?

Song: Jesus Strong and Kind

Reading: Ruth 3

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Understanding the actions Ruth and Boaz take in this chapter requires knowing something about the laws set forth for the Israelites (read Leviticus 25:23-25 and Deuteronomy 25:5-10). What do these verses tell us about his care for his people? In what ways do they illustrate redemption (taking a situation that is painful and working it for good)?  

  2. How is Ruth’s request in verse 9 an expression of faith in the Lord? What practical means of grace (his Word, prayer, encouragement of other believers) has God given you to experience his redemptive power in your life? How can you take advantage of them today in your hour of need? 

  3. Remembering Boaz foreshadows Christ, what does verse 11 tell us about how Jesus will respond whenever we run to him for help in the midst of our own troubles? 

  4. Boaz’s care for Naomi is a precious glimpse of God’s concern for our physical needs. Take a few minutes to express your trust in the Lord to provide and equip you with all you need to care for your own dependents. 

Song: My Redeemer’s Love

Reading: Ruth 4

Questions for Reflection:

  1. On the surface, the first half of this chapter might seem like a strange sort of legal transaction with little relevance for our own understanding or experience of God. Keep remembering Boaz is a type of Christ. How do the painstaking steps he takes to secure redemption for Ruth and Naomi point forward to the surety of the gospel? 

  2. The contrast between the “redeemer’s” decision to protect his inheritance for himself in verse 6 and what Jesus has done for us is striking. Read Romans 8:15-17, 1 Corinthians 2:9, and Hebrews 11:16. Take a few minutes to thank Jesus for enabling us to share in his glorious inheritance. 

  3. Read verses 13-15 slowly, thinking back to how the story of Ruth began. How do they illustrate the precious promise of Romans 8:28?

  4. The fact that Ruth and Boaz’s son, Obed, was the grandfather of King David is significant because Jesus was born into the line of David. What does that tell us about God’s ability to turn the most painful circumstances imaginable into the greatest good imaginable? Praise God for the ways he will use hard situations in your life right now for good, even if all of the “good” he will bring to pass isn’t visible in your lifetime. 

Song: Sovereign Over Us

Reading: The entire book of Ruth in one sitting

  1. Make a short list of what the entire story has taught you about the character of God.

  2. Pray for the Lord to work redemption in the most difficult circumstances you’re facing right now.

  3. Think about who you could encourage this weekend with the truths you have learned this week. Could you call them on the phone, write an email, or send them a text message?

  4. Looking back over the course of your own life, what are some situations where the Lord has already worked a measure of redemption – taking something really painful and working it for good. Have you thanked him for that? Take some time to write down examples of the Lord’s faithfulness to you. Writing down what the Lord has done will help you not to forget it in the future!

Song: All the Way My Savior Leads Me