Sunday Review: 6/20/21


On Sunday, June 20, 2021, Quinton Cools preached the message “The Hour Has Come” from John 12:20-36 as part of our current series Life in the Son. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for Brian McPeter’s Prayer of Confession and discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.

Prayer of Confession:

Lord, Thank you first and foremost for the forgiveness available to us through Jesus. Thank you that there is nothing we can do to make you love us less, and that there is nothing we can do to make you love us more. Forgive us for this past week for we have pursued other good things first and placed you second, as if you are not the creator, king and our God.

Lord, forgive us for how we’ve judged others for the sins we commit in the quiet of our heart. Lord, how we need the power of the Holy Spirit to work in us and conform us to your son. We confess that we’ve too often been enraged at one another’s sins and made excuses for our own. We’ve withheld forgiveness when we’ve been wronged, hurt and sinned against by others. We’ve treated rudely, not carefully listened to or isolated those we’ve disagreed with on issues. We’ve rejected criticism from others even when we knew it was valid. And we’ve written off lost friends, relatives or neighbors as hopeless, as if we’ve earned the forgiveness we have through your Son by our own efforts.

Lord, we also pause this morning to say thank you for dads. But Lord it would be unwise, as a Dad, to not ask for your forgiveness for ways in which we have failed as Dads.Lord help all of us to be comforted by you, our perfect father. Lord be with those for who this day is not welcome or sad. Comfort those who mourn the absence of a dad, and be with those who suffered because of the sins of their dad.

Lastly, as we saw in your Word last week, please forgive us for not being thankful. For, O Lord, all we have comes from you, the job you provide for us to earn a living, our family, our local church and even the breath we breathe.

Thank you for the never giving up and never ending love you have for your people. Give us grace to confess our sins both to you and one another, and thank you that our sins though be like scarlet, your son Jesus’s blood shed on the cross washes them whiter than snow. As we close, O Lord, let us rejoice with the Apostle John in the truth that that light has shown in the darkness, and the darkness has not put it out. Amen.

Discussion Questions:

  1. In John 12, some Greeks came to the disciples with the wish to see Jesus. Do you desire to see Jesus?

  2. Jesus said in verse 25 that whoever loves his life loses it. Are you trying to live your best life now?

  3. What fruitful labor is God calling you to right now?

  4. How do you respond when you consider the humility of Jesus?

  5. Do you believe that God speaks to you through his word?