Sunday Review: 6/13/21


On Sunday, June 13, 2021, Chris Deloglos preached the message “Give Thanks to God” from Psalm 138. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.


Discussion Questions:

  1. Is expressing thankfulness to God easy or difficult for you in this season?

  2. Chris reminded us of 5 things about God we should always be thankful for: a) his unchanging favor toward us, b) his greatness in making us his children, c) the prayers he’s answered in the past, d) his present, abiding, tender mercy, and e) his promised future blessing. Which of these are you most readily thankful for and why? Which do you most often struggle to give thanks to God for?

  3. In what ways is your thanksgiving half-hearted or focused on your circumstances rather than on God’s worthiness?

  4. How do the truths in Psalm 138 help you know and love Jesus more?

  5. The command to give thanks is all throughout Scripture, telling us that it should be regular, verbal, heartfelt, and specific. In which of these aspects are you asking God to help you grow?

  6. What would it look like practically for you to pursue the practice of giving thanks this week?