Sunday Review: 7/4/21


On Sunday, July 4, 2021, Josh Earl preached the message “The Psalmist’s Key to Flourishing” from Psalm 130. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for Mavis Khoffie’s Prayer of Confession and discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.


Dear heavenly father,

We humbly come to you this morning asking for your forgiveness once again as your children. Thank you for the gift of conviction that provides us with the opportunity to run to you when we sin against you.

Lord we confess this morning that we struggle daily to truly believe in your plan for our lives and to totally submit to your sovereignty. Lord forgive us when we fail to see how you are good when our prayers are not answered in our perceived timely manner. Forgive us Father for the times when we deliberately avoid spending time in your word because we are wary and are losing all hope in you. When we pray and wait on you for answers and instead, we are overwhelmed by more questions, we are unable to see your goodness.

It is often difficult to experience your loving kindness when we have faithfully prayed for our children over the years and yet, there’s no fruit or a relationship with you. Are you good when we have to gather the courage to genuinely celebrate with friends over the same needs that you are yet to provide for us? Are you still good, Lord, when we are overtaken with anxiety for provisions in our lives? Would you please forgive us Lord, for not wholly trusting in you.

As you have promised in your word, we have hope in your steadfast love and your abundant redemption; hope in the work that your son Jesus Christ completed on the cross for our forgiveness. And that is why we are here this morning, boldly asking you to forgive and rescue us from our unbelief. Redeem us from all iniquities and draw us to you, oh Lord.

We pray this in your Son’s name, Amen!

Discussion Questions:

  1. Do you believe God’s word is sufficient for whatever season you find yourself in?

  2. How have you seen God’s mercy toward you when you’ve been in a difficult season?

  3. Like the Psalmist, do you cry out for mercy when you are in the depths?

  4. How do you respond when you are confronted with your brokenness?

  5. Do you confess your sin to the Lord? How have you experienced God’s mercy as a result?

  6. What part of Psalm 130 has been the most encouraging to you this week?