Sunday Review: 2/9/20


On Sunday, February 9, 2020, Kevin Khoffie led worship, Rich Rogness prayed a Prayer of Praise, thirteen people became members, and Matthew Williams preached the message, “The Lord's Supper" as part of our current series, Sunday Matters from 1 Corinthians 11:17-34. To listen to this message again, click here.

Prayer of Praise:

We praise you Father God. We praise you Jesus, Son of God. We praise you Spirit of God! You are awesome in power, amazing, wonderful, beautiful, holy, indescribable! Beyond what we can think or imagine! You exist in perfect unity, distinct, three persons, yet One. Perfect in love and in perfect community. You made us, and we are made for you – to love you, to delight in you, to worship you.

Yet we rejected you. We chose to seek our own glory, to live for ourselves, to love ourselves. Despite choosing to be your enemy, in order to demonstrate your great love, you have pursued us, called us, and rescued us from ourselves. You sent Jesus to bring us back to you – to make it possible to love you and to live for you. In Jesus we are a redeemed people, your people, your church, your bride! We are forever grateful. In humility we say thank you! Let our lives show our gratitude.

God our Father, by Jesus and His redemptive work and through the indwelling Holy Spirit you sustain us, you empower us, you are near to us, you hear and see us, you lift us up and encourage us, you provide for us, you love and care for us. You meet all our needs, exactly as you know best, for each of us, both separately and corporately.

God, we are different, diverse – we celebrate that. You’ve made us each unique. As you, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are One, you are making us one. You are making us one first with You, united by Jesus, adopted and heirs of the King, and you are also making us one with each other, united in Jesus. You demonstrate perfect fellowship as a Triune God. We have fellowship with you, and because of that, we have fellowship with each other.

We are fellow sinners living in a broken world, yet saved by grace and devoted to the same King. You are knitting us together, making us One, united in Jesus. You call us to be your reflection to the world, a sweet fragrance, displaying the hope and love found in Jesus that makes us one.

We seek to shine for you as you prepare us, your church, your people, your bride, for Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Where finally we will experience perfect fellowship with you and each other, in your presence, forever, as our joy is made complete in living with the Lover of our Soul.

We are forever grateful for you, the God of all, our God!

New Members:

We are excited to have the following people join KingsWay as members: Lissette Ardon, Barbara Clark, Tom Clark, Christopher Deloglos, Yolanda Ellis, Josh Fernandez, Jim Frenchak, Debbi Frenchak, Rachel Haldeman, Natalie Harrison, Juan Leon, Hunter Rozier, Rosy Webster.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What has been your understanding of the Lord's Supper?

  2. Does the Lord's Supper feel like an empty ritual to you?

  3. When you take Communion, do you consider it a "me and Jesus" moment?

  4. Are you expectant that God will renew and strengthen your faith when you come to the table? Why or why not?

  5. Have you considered the Lord's Supper to be something that enacts and affirms spiritual union with both Christ and his church?

  6. Do you evaluate the spiritual direction of your life before you take the Lord's Supper? If so, what does that look like?

  7. Matthew said that examining ourselves isn't about morbid introspection, but that it is about spiritual integrity. Are you someone who struggles with introspective condemnation?

  8. If the Lord's Supper is about corporately celebrating Christ's worthiness and reminding us of the real feast yet to come, are you excited to participate in Communion?

  9. Has your idea of what Communion means changed since looking at 1 Corinthians 11:17-34?