Sunday Review: 2/16/20


On Sunday, February 16, 2020, Bruce Robertson led worship, Geneva Ledon prayed a Prayer of Confession, and Matthew Williams preached the message, “Exercise Spiritual Gifts" as part of our current series, Sunday Matters from 1 Corinthians 12:1-31. To listen to this message again, click here.

Prayer of Confession:

Almighty God, Maker of Heaven and Earth. We humbly come before you recognizing that we are sinners in need of salvation. There is nothing that we can do apart from you. You have created us and formed us in your image. You have set your gaze upon us.  You love us with an everlasting love, yet we do not always love you. We are quick to chase after cares of this world and make our own idols. Not having you as the first in our heart. We are quick to be selfish with the gifts and talents you have given us. We do not serve others as we should. We do not willingly sacrifice to help those you've placed on our path.

Lord, we confess that we are not good stewards of the time you've given us. We can fill our days with fleeting things, often forgetting the work you have given us to do on earth. We become busy with the cares of life. As your word says, "Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Make us wise, Father. Give us a heart that yearns to obey you. Give us a spirit that seeks you and lives with anticipation awaiting your return. Help us to live a life of holiness. Forgive us for when we have feared man and cared more about man's opinion than pleasing you.

Lord, forgive us when we doubt you and do not trust you. With our lips we say we trust you, but our actions and the state of our heart shows our true condition. You know our hearts full well! We are not truly surrendering to you. You have a plan and purpose for us that far exceeds anything we can imagine. Yet, we cling to our own ways, relying on our own strength we create a false sense of security. Forgive us for not trusting you and surrendering every area to you. We are often like sheep who go astray, but you are our Good Shepherd - always faithful to bring us back. Teach us to place our hope and security in you. Help us to rest in you.

Forgive us for times where we have grumbled or complained, quickly forgetting the many things we have to be grateful for. We forget that all we have is a gift given from your loving hand. Forgive us for not loving our neighbors as we ought to, for speaking unkind words of thinking impure thoughts. Teach us to be mindful and to take every thought captive to your word.

Lord, teach us to chase after you! May we glorify you with our lives. We thank you that you never leave us to fend on our own. Time after time we are unfaithful, yet you always remain faithful to us. Thank you for your grace despite our shortcomings. Like clay in the potter's hand, mold us and shape us in your likeness and image.


Discussion Questions:

  1. What type of mindset do you have when you come to church? Is it easy for you to have a consumer mentality?

  2. If you are someone who serves regularly, are you serving to make much of Jesus or much of yourself?

  3. Are you quick to categorize some gifts as more important or more spiritual than others?

  4. Is it easy for you to be frustrated with the sovereign will of God in the gifts he has not given you? How so?

  5. Do you believe that God has given every believer a manifestation of the Spirit for the good of the church?

  6. Have you taken time to ask the Lord what gifts he has given you to serve the body?

  7. Have you taken time to look around and ask where the church needs members to faithfully serve?