Sunday Review: 4/19/20


On Sunday, April 19, 2020, Matthew Williams preached the message, “Psalm 30″ over live stream as part of our interim sermon series Fear Not. To listen to this message again, click here.


  1. When you look at your life, is it easy or hard for you to see abundant reasons to rejoice?

  2. Has God revealed areas in the past few weeks where you have put your confidence to "never be moved" in something or someone other than him?

  3. How do you see him revealing your false securities as an expression of his love?

  4. Do you run to God with confidence that he is your loving father?

  5. Where do you need God's mercy the most right now, or where does weeping "tarry" in your life?

  6. Have you run to the Lord as your refuge in your current circumstances?

  7. How can you "not be silent" and sing the praises of the Lord this week?