Corporate Devotions: Exodus (Part 1)

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This week we are starting a longer series of devotions from the book of Exodus. You might be wondering what the story of Israel’s deliverance from slavery in Egypt has to do with navigating a coronavirus pandemic in 21st century America. It’s more relevant that you might realize. Don’t take my word for it, but listen to what the Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 10:11-13 about the abiding value of Israel’s experience:

“Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction, on whom the end of the ages has come. Therefore, let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”

COVID-19 is a novel virus, but the spiritual temptations it creates are common to man. Israel felt many of the same things back then that we do now: weary, tired, impatient, anxious, angry, and disoriented, to name just a few. They needed to remember the faithfulness of God. They needed to experience the salvation of God. They needed to trust that God was leading and caring for them through his appointed covenant mediator, Moses. Just like them, we need to trust Jesus is leading and caring for us today.

God keeps his covenant promises. God saves through his appointed mediator. Exodus takes us back to those themes over and over again, pointing forward to the present hope we have in Jesus. Life for us may not be as hard and bitter as it was for Israel back then, but since our hearts haven’t changed and our God hasn’t changed, we need Exodus no less than they did. 

Reading: Exodus 1

Questions for Reflection:

  1. The language in verse 7 is no accident. Go back and read God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 15:5-6, to Isaac in Genesis 26:4, and to Jacob in Genesis 46:3-4. What does verse 7 tell you about the character and ways of God, even before Israel begins to suffer? Take a few minutes to thank God for specific ways he cared for you before the coronavirus hit.

  2. Consider the contrast between what Pharaoh feared in verse 10 and what happened in verse 12, despite all his efforts to the contrary. What does that say about who calls the shots in the lives of God’s people?

  3. What can we learn from the courageous midwives about the kind of heart attitude we must have toward God in the midst of trouble so that he can use us to bless others? Look again at verse 17 if you’re unsure.

  4. Read Ephesians 1:16-21. The same“immeasurable greatness” of God’s power that multiplied Israel and raised Christ from the dead at Easter is even now at work in you as a Christian. Thank God for his prevailing strength in your life!

Song: Ancient of Days

ReadingExodus 2:1-22

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Hebrews 11:23 helps us understand the spiritual significance of the choice Moses’ parents made to preserve his life. How do you need to exercise similar faith in God today so that you can love someone close to you?

  2. The care Pharaoh’s daughter shows the infant Moses makes a loud statement about God’s ability to use even our enemies to do us good. Thank the Lord for examples in your own life of where he has done the same thing.

  3. Read Hebrews 11:24-26 to appreciate the significance of the choice Moses made to identify with the suffering people of God instead of the pleasures and prestige of Egypt. Thank Jesus for identifying with you in your sin and suffering, enduring reproach in his life and death for your sake. Ask the Lord for grace to persevere in loving him and others with your eyes set on a heavenly reward.

  4. Moses’ decision to try and deliver his people by his own power and in his own way didn’t go so well. Think about how you will be tempted today to try and rescue people around you instead of humbly pointing them to the only One who can. Ask the Lord for humility to not do his job for him!

Song: O Lord, My Rock and My Redeemer

Reading: Exodus 2:23-3:8

Questions for Reflection:

  1. The words of Exodus 2:24-25 are among the most precious declarations in the entire book. Count the number of times God is the subject of the verbs “see,” “hear,” or “know” in the reading for today. Take a few minutes to thank the Lord for being a God who sees our affliction, knows our suffering, hears our cry for help, and “remembers” his covenant promises.

  2. Why did the Lord reveal the majesty of his holiness to Moses at the burning bush? Do you think Moses’ response in verse 6 was a good thing? What could go wrong in your heart today if you lose your awe of God?

  3. Read all of Genesis 15 (it’s not long!), then reread Exodus 3:7-8. From our vantage point, 400 years is a long time to wait for God to do what he said he would do. Ask the Lord for humility to trust his timetable is best, and for faith to believe he will not fail to bring you home to heaven, no matter how many sorrows threaten your way.

  4. Notice how the Lord promises in verse 8 to do what Moses tried and failed to do back in Exodus 2:11-14. Ask the Lord to help you run to him for hope and help when life is hard, and you will know that he is the only One who can save.

Song: Behold Our God

ReadingExodus 3:9-4:17

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Verse 10 reminds us that God uses weak men and women to accomplish his work. Consider the work the Lord has called you today, especially tasks that seem nearly impossible. To whom will you assign more significance and authority? Yourself (verse 11), or the Almighty God who is with you through the presence of the Holy Spirit? Thank the Lord that at no point today will you ever be alone.

  2. The declaration in verse 14 of God’s self-existence boggles our finite minds. Thank God for all the ways he is not like you, including the fact that he is eternal and completely self-sufficient!

  3. The picture of the Lord compelling Pharaoh and his people to deliver Israel reminds us that in the end, Jesus wins. Read Romans 8:31-39 and thank God for the fact that nothing, absolutely nothing, will stop him from fulfilling his good purposes in your life as one of his children.

  4. It is painful to see the number of times the Lord gives Moses reasons to trust and Moses responds with excuses for fear. It’s a powerful picture of the patience and mercy of God toward our unbelief. It also reminds us of how often we too refuse to trust and obey God’s Word. Ask the Lord to forgive your unbelief and increase your faith in the truthfulness of his Word.

Song: Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me

ReadingExodus 4:18-31

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Think about the incredible grace God showed Moses in verse 19. He didn’t have to say that. He already gave Moses all the reasons he needed to trust the Lord. Yet the Lord continued to meet him and comfort him in the midst of his fear and unbelief. Thank the Lord for being a God who doesn’t give up on us even when we are so slow to obey his Word.

  2. Why do you think the Lord decided to harden Pharaoh’s heart? It seems like things would have turned out better for Israel a lot faster if he had compelled Pharaoh to get with the program. What do you think the Lord might be seeking to accomplish in your life right now by making you wait for his deliverance in a particular area?

  3. The short account in verses 24-26 can appear bizarre. It seems strange that the Lord sought to put Moses to death. Take a minute to read Genesis 17:9-14. Ask the Lord to help you remember that experiencing his salvation requires obeying his Word. And thank Jesus for being the faithful covenant partner who perfectly kept God’s law on our behalf!

  4. Verse 31 decisively vindicates what the Lord said would happen and not what Moses thought would happen. We see that time and time again in the Bible what happens is exactly what God said would happen. Ask God to give you a heart that believes his Word more than your own feelings about a situation, and that he would bring your feelings in line with the truth of his Word!

Song: His Mercy is More