Sunday Review: 1/15/23


On Sunday, January 15, 2023, Matthew Williams preached the message “There is No Other” from Deuteronomy 4:32-43. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. The way God reveals himself to Israel (and us) communicates important things about who he is. What do you see?

  2. What do you find most striking about the way God redeemed Israel out of Egypt? Do you see the same thing in the gospel?

  3. How can we be confident the Lord is God and there is no other?

  4. Explain the difference between trusting in what your personal experience of God suggests is true versus trusting in what God has said about himself through revelation and redemption. Why is the former so dangerous and the latter so good?

  5. Describe a current situation in your life where you need to remember the Lord is God and there is no other. Where are you tempted to think, feel, or act as if something or someone else is god?

  6. How do you run to Jesus for refuge when you’re struggling to believe him?