Sunday Review: 11/27/22


On Sunday, November 27, 2022, Caleb Collins preached the message “Behold the King, the Son of David” from Matthew 1:1-17. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. Matthew 1 makes the point that the coming of Jesus marked something new. How is the birth of Jesus connected to what God has done while also being something completely different?

  2. The Israelites’ captivity in Babylon caused them to doubt and raise questions about God’s faithfulness. How can the coming of Jesus inform the hardships we experience?

  3. The Israelites had wrongly-placed hopes for what their rescue would look like at the time of their captivity in Babylon. What are some ways we wrongly expect God to deliver us?

  4. How does Jesus’ being the son of David offer hope in this season?

  5. In what ways are you tempted to view Jesus as less than King of all of life?

  6. How does Jesus’ identity as King inform your identity as a citizen of the Kingdom of God?