Sunday Review: 6/26/2022


On Sunday, June 26, 2022, Quinton Cools preached the message “God’s Mystery Revealed” from Colossians 1:24 - 2:5. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. In Col 1:24 Paul says, “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake”. Why is Paul rejoicing in his suffering? Do you rejoice in your suffering? Why or why not? What does suffering accomplish in us when we trust God and when we rejoice in it … or like James 1:2 says, when we “count it all joy”?

  2. What does Paul mean when he says in Col 1:28, “Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ? How should Paul’s example of making the word of God fully known inform how we live?

  3. To what degree do you feel “knit together in love” (Col. 2:2) with the body of Christ, both globally and also locally with your fellow believers at KingsWay Community Church? If you do not feel especially “knit together”, why is that? How should each one of us “struggle” and “toil” (v. 29) to strengthen our unity as the body of Christ?

  4. Quin quoted Dane Ortlund as saying: “Your growth in Christ will go no further than your settledness way deep down in your heart that God loves you”. Do you struggle to believe that God loves you? If so, why? How does the gospel of Jesus Christ clearly display God’s love?

  5. Quin said that “Cultural messages compete for our attention, our affections and our allegiance”, and that “those things that you most closely identify with will become banners over your life”. What might some of the culturally-informed banners be that fly over your life? What can we do to replace those banners with the banner that flies over Paul’s life … “Christ Above All”?