Sunday Review: 7/31/2022


On Sunday, July 31, 2022, Matthew Williams preached the message “Forsaking All Others” from Colossians 2:16-23. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. The implication of Col. 2:19 is that we will grow spiritually, not if we hold on to “spiritual practices”, but if we "hold fast" to the Head, which is Christ. What does it mean to hold fast to Christ? How are you doing with holding fast to Christ?

  2. Matthew said that our spiritual apathy can (and will) negatively affect the entire body of believers that we are a part of. How can one person's spiritual apathy impact others in the body? Do you ever consider how your spiritual apathy may impact the rest of the body of believers that you are a part of?

  3. Col. 2:20-23 says that submitting to rules and regulations only has an “appearance of wisdom”, but that it is of no value in stopping the “indulgence of the flesh” (or the desires of the flesh). Why is "rule-following" insufficient to stop the desires of the flesh? How should we then live so that we do not satisfy the desires of the flesh?

  4. How do you make decisions about disputable matters in your life (things about which the Bible does not give a clear directive), like sports on Sundays, which movies to watch or what music to listen to? What things do you consider in your decision-making process?

  5. Do you sometimes experience the tension between "spiritual freedom" (as seen in Rom. 14) and obedience to Christ? How do you deal with that tension?