Sunday Review: 7/17/2022


On Sunday, July 17, 2022, Josh Kruger preached the message “Our Fullness in Christ” from Colossians 2:8-15. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this past Sunday’s message.


  1. Col. 2:9 states that in Christ “the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily”, and then verse 10 says that “you have been filled in him”. What does it mean that Christians have been “filled in him”? What are some of the “benefits” of being filled in him?

  2. In Col 2:11-15, Paul lists several gospel truths about how Christians went from being dead sinners to being “filled in Christ”. How many gospel truths do you see in those verses? How should these truths inform how we live daily?

  3. Josh mentioned several “messages of this age” that are designed to deceive us and to “take us captive”. What are other “messages of this age” that you think we should be aware of so that they do not deceive and enslave us? To what “messages of this age” are you most prone to fall captive?

  4. What can (and must) we do so that we are not deceived by the world’s messages that are “not according to Christ”? How should we respond when we realize that we have already been deceived by some of the world’s messages?

  5. How does this passage help you treasure Christ more?