Sunday Review: 4/17/22


On Sunday, April 17, 2022, Matthew Williams preached the message “Trust His Promises” from Micah 4:9 - 5:15 as part of our current series A God of Justice + Mercy. To listen to this message again, click here. Please see below for discussion questions for this Sunday’s message.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Matthew’s first main point in the sermon was “The Lord saves at the point of our greatest distress”. Looking back, how has this been evident in your life?

  2. Do you sometimes struggle with the question “How can God be “for me” if he allows me to suffer in significant ways?” What truths do you speak to yourself in those times?

  3. When we look at Micah 5:2 (and 1 Cor. 1:26-29) we see that God delights in using what is small, despised and lowly to accomplish his purposes. In what ways have this been true in your life?

  4. In Micah 4:6-7 and in chapter 5:4-5 we see a picture of God as Shepherd King gathering, feeding, strengthening and protecting his weak, afflicted and scattered people.  How can you trust God to do this for you in your struggles, even when his human under-shepherds (pastors) sometimes fail to do this task perfectly?

  5. What are the “horses”, “chariots”, “strongholds” and “pillars” in your life (see Micah 5:10-14) that you trust in to make your life easier and that you hope in to make your future prosperous and without difficulty?  Why is it grace when God destroys these “idols” in our lives?