Parenting Sunday School Class


Parents rightly long for their children (and grandchildren) to thrive in every facet of life, especially their relationship with God. As the years go by, we also become increasingly aware of our inability to control the outcome of their decisions. That combination of love and helplessness is enough to drive anyone crazy! It’s also part of God’s good design because it trains us to trust in him, not ourselves. 

As a father of three boys, dependent parenting doesn’t come naturally. I need help to exchange human wisdom, what I naturally feel like saying or doing, for God’s wisdom. I need help to stay focused on what God says parenting is all about. Otherwise, I get stuck in what I think it means. 

Pastor and father-of-four Paul Tripp taught a new conference last year entitled, “Parenting: It’s Not What You Think It Is.” Over the course of four sessions, he equipped moms and dads to give up control, shape their kid’s character, thrive in the teen years, and rest in God. We purchased a livestream license for KingsWay and are eager to watch and discuss Tripp’s material as an adult Sunday School class starting March 13 – April 3. Each video session is roughly 45 minutes long. We’ll start promptly at 8:30am each Sunday, leaving 30 minutes for a group discussion and prayer led by Chris Deloglos. The session videos will have subtitles in Spanish for our hispanic brothers and sisters.

Whether you’ve just had your first child or are celebrating the birth of your 7th grandchild, we believe the Lord has something for all of us to learn about the joyful labor of parenting. Join us for as many sessions as you can! Registration is not required.