Travis Hickenbottom

KingsWay exists to help one another enjoy a growing relationship with God. One way we get to do that is by sharing the truth of the gospel with those whose eyes have yet to be opened. KingsWay member Travis Hickenbottom encourages us to overcome insecurities and discouragement to share the gospel with those around us.

sharing jesus

In 2019, fellow KingsWay member Robert Campbell was doing a presentation at Kingsway regarding the upcoming Gideons Richmond Scripture Blitz: they needed someone to help at their warehouse during the week. Something inside nudged me to get involved, so that day I volunteered to help in the warehouse. During the week of the blitz I talked with Robert and another Gideon named John about the organization and what they do to help share the Gospel through distributing God's Word. I had been wanting to be more intentional with sharing the Word of God with others and this seemed like a good way to do it - I fortunately met the qualifications and decided to join.

Over the next several years, I challenged myself to do things out of my comfort zone in order to share God's Word. This involved participating in Scripture Distributions at the county and state fairs, at several High School graduations, Food banks, Vacation Bible schools, Hotels, and other venues. Each time, it got a bit easier and I became more bold with actually handing out the Bibles. Rather than worrying about personal rejection and angry responses, I became more concerned with the people who were lost rather than my own insecurities. I became a bit frustrated, however, that I was still nervous about engaging in conversations that went beyond just handing someone a New Testament and sending them on their way. I was perfectly fine handing the Bibles out, having people tell me no, laugh at me, and even curse at me. It was all worth it for the people who actually took them. However, having prolonged conversations with people about their spiritual lives and beliefs still eluded me for the most part.

The Bibles I was handing out had sections in the back that could assist with engaging people in a more in-depth discussion regarding their knowledge of their own sin, who Jesus Christ is and the free gift of salvation that was available to them. I resolved to listen more closely to how the other volunteers who were with me were able to engage in deeper spiritual conversations with people at these events. I started trying to do so myself, slowly. On one occasion, I was fortunate enough to observe Robert pray with and explain sin, repentance, and the need for a Savior to a man we met at a local food bank in Richmond. Right then and there the man accepted Jesus as his savior. This was a great encouragement to me.

 A few months ago, another volunteer and I were having a conversation with a young man of about 20 or so named Jonathan at the Gideons' State Fair of Virginia booth. We discussed his current spiritual state, learned he had a bit of a background in the Catholic church, and then ultimately found out that he was unsure of his salvation. This was further than I had ever been in a discussion with someone during a distribution event. Jonathan asked what he needed to do to be saved - and at that time was when the other person asked me to "take it from there". When the Bible says not to worry about the words you will say, they will be provided to you in these moments, I can say that this definitely happened! My mind was blank, but I just started talking and began to explain to Jonathan how we are all sinners and how there is nothing we can do on our own to remove this sin from our record with God. Our only hope is in believing that Jesus Christ sacrificed himself in order to save us, then repent of our sins and accept the free gift of salvation. Jonathan said he understood and wanted to pray. He did so right then and there, accepting Christ as his personal Savior. We encouraged him to find a local Bible-believing church to attend as soon as he could and as he began to walk away, I felt something wonderful inside - such joy that this young man was now hopefully starting on his faith journey and knew of Jesus' sacrifice for him. And that I had a small part in the process.

My hope in sharing this experience is to offer encouragement to those of you who want to share Jesus with others but are nervous about it and also to those who are actively trying to do so, but you are not seeing any firsthand results. Perhaps you are feeling discouraged and feel that you are not really making a difference. Please remember that even though we may not get to see the results ourselves that day, the conversation we take the time to have with someone or those Bibles we stand out in the hot sun for hours to give people may be planting a seed we will never know about in our time on this earth.

 It took 4 years of actively trying before I personally was able to explain the Gospel to someone and then see God open their heart and mind for them to understand and accept it immediately. It may take another 4 years until that happens again. And that's okay. The important thing is to be willing to put yourself out there in these situations and keep trying. God will handle the rest. Thank you!

Travis Hickenbottom