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young people need the gospel, too.
At Frontline, our students think hard about God’s Word and how to live what it teaches.
If you are a middle or high school student, we would love for you to join us. We read God’s Word deeply and discuss it together so that we can apply His teaching in every area of our lives. We gather weekly, enjoying meaningful friendships, wise mentoring, and life lived together.
Frontline is for parents, too! We’re deeply committed to coming alongside you in helping our young people become passionate followers of Christ. We desire to equip you for gospel-centered parenting. Parents specifically join us for our monthly “Together” night when we typically hear a teaching and discuss its application to our lives.
our typical schedule
** Wednesdays at 7:30pm **
1st Wednesdays - Frontline Together
2nd Wednesdays - Small Groups
3rd Wednesdays - Adventure
4th Wednesdays - Small Groups
small groups
We do life together in small groups, studying the Bible together. We ask good questions and we think hard about what God's Word teaches us and what it means to live what it teaches. Students are a part of one of three small groups:
High School Girls
High School Guys
Middle School Girls & Guys.
together nights
At Together nights, we introduce gospel-centered, biblically-based teaching and an environment to invite unbelieving friends and neighbors. We sing together, listen to teaching, and then break into our small groups to talk about how we ought to respond to God's Word.
Parents are encouraged to attend all Frontline Together gatherings and a special parent-only small group is also provided.
adventure nights
On our off weeks, we like to plan fun adventures such as volleyball games, pumpkin carving competitions, and Christmas gift giving, depending on the month and season!
How can i learn more or get connected?